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LYZX24 low-temperature screw oil expeller


   LYZX24 low temperature screw press is suitable for low temperature to produce vegetable oil, processing objects such as rapeseed, peeling rapeseed kernel, peanut kernel, indigo seed kernel, basil seed kernel, tea seed kernel, sunflower seed kernel, cottonseed kernel Vegetable oilseeds can be squeezed, is a all-weather hot and cold dual-use models.


   LYZX24 low temperature oil press has suitable for low temperature oil production characteristics, in the normal process conditions, has the following characteristics:

   1, into the press temperature is low, cake meal protein degeneration is small;

   2, well-structured, easy management, durable;

   3, self-contained temperature, moisture regulator;

   4, automatic continuous work.

Technical data:

   1, the motor power: 30 + 5.5 (4) +3 KW

   2, net weight: 6300 (5900) Kg

   3, Dimensions: 3180 × 1850 × 3980 (3430) mm

   4, production capacity: 20-25T / D

   5, dry cake residue: 10-19%
